The generative model produces a space consisting of solid volumes and open voids, which mediates between degrees of openness and enclosure. A static set of points generates the basic structure, while a dynamic input cycles through various configurations of solids and voids within a supporting structure.
The tension between generating this continuous structure and carving out a section presented some challenges. One trade-off was that the use of a static frame, while limiting to the model’s possible forms, inhibited variance. A design solution that sufficiently integrated complexity and continuity was found through a series of tests using different parameter values and experimenting in multiple generations of the model.
The model is optimized to minimize obstructions through a manually generated path, which is the final input parameter. The model is evaluated based on adherence to these rules.
The optimized design features an approximated, rather than a full convergence of performance metrics - yet, it is a representation of the design goals and the evolution of their outcomes.